“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Maya Angelou
We are Lifehouse, and we are happy that you are here.
Lifehouse Professional Counseling is a safe place intended to guide you to find confidence in your self-identity and live an authentic, fulfilling life through self-care, mindfulness, personal growth, and intentional living. Our compassionate clinical staff make sure to prioritize the needs and comfort of our patients while continuously striving to achieve the patients mental health and recovery goals.
We also endeavor to promote better functioning and satisfaction in clients’ work, personal interests, and in their relationships. When working with families and couples, we aspire to strengthen emotional bonds and improve communication. Each therapist has their own unique approach to counseling, however, we share a common goal of providing quality, effective, empathic treatment to the whole person. Our goal is to guide individuals, couples, and families toward improving their overall quality of life.
What is Psychotherapy? Click here to learn more about what we focus on.
Our Services
Therapy & Professional Counseling
Lifehouse Professional Counseling offers individual counseling for any age group, couples therapy, family therapy, and a few group therapy opportunities. Engaging in therapy can be a new and unfamiliar step for many, however participating in therapy and counseling can offer rewarding experiences such as personal empowerment, reduced stress and anxiety, and a regain of emotional balance and structure. See more about these by clicking the tabs on the right!
If you would like to know more about the kinds of group therapy opportunities we have available, please click here!
More about our Policies and Fees can be seen by clicking here.
Begin to start making conscious decisions to take charge of your destiny by making positive choices, advancing, and be confident!
Through therapy, reducing stress and anxiety can provide you with not only a peaceful mind, but also provides better sleep, can provide better and healthy ways to nurture yourself, and can help better manage your stress and anxiety in the future.
This is the ability to remain calm and controlled during a stressful or overwhelming situation. Through therapy, practicing emotional balance can allow you to manage your emotions in a healthy manner and spread calm to both yourself and others you may lead.
PTSD or trauma
Relationship or Family Issues
Sexual assault or abuse
Grief or loss
Self-development or growth
Women's issues
Communication problems
Creating deeper connection
Intimacy issues
Navigating separation or divorce
Managing mental health issues within the relationship
Creating healthy co-parenting post divorce or separation
Family conflict including between adult siblings, parent/adult child, extended family, etc
Blended Families
Supporting a family member as they heal from sexual assault/abuse
Managing mental health issues within the family
Addressing family secrets
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Play Therapy
Parenting Support
Art and Music Therapy
Trauma-Focused Therapy
Social Skills Training
For more Information or to set up an Appointment, Contact Us:
6423 Polaris Dr. Suite B6, Laredo, TX 78041
Phone: 956-602-0117
Fax: 956-267-8489 Email: office@lifehousepc.com
Nuestros Servicios
Terapia y Consejería Profesional
Lifehouse Professional Counseling ofrece asesoramiento individual para cualquier grupo de edad, terapia de pareja, terapia familiar y algunas oportunidades de terapia de grupo. Participar en la terapia puede ser un paso nuevo y desconocido para muchos, sin embargo, participar en la terapia y el asesoramiento puede ofrecer experiencias gratificantes como el empoderamiento personal, la reducción del estrés y la ansiedad, y la recuperación del equilibrio y la estructura emocional. Vea más sobre estos haciendo clic en las pestañas a la derecha. Si desea saber más sobre los tipos de oportunidades de terapia grupal que tenemos disponibles, haga clic aquí.
Puede ver más sobre nuestras políticas y tarifas haciendo clic aquí.
Empieze a empezar a tomar decisiones conscientes para hacer cargo de su destino tomando decisiones positivas, avanzando y tener confianza.
A través de la terapia, la reducción del estrés y la ansiedad puede brindarle no solo una mente en paz, sino también un mejor sueño, formas mejores y más saludables de nutrirse y puede ayudarlo a controlar mejor su estrés y ansiedad en el futuro.
Esta es la capacidad de mantener la calma y el control durante una situación estresante o abrumadora. A través de la terapia, practicar el equilibrio emocional puede permitirle manejar sus emociones de una manera saludable y transmitir calma tanto a usted como a los demás que pueda liderar.
PTSD o trauma
Problemas de relación o familiares
Agresión o abuso sexual
Duelo o pérdida
Autodesarrollo o crecimiento
Problemas de mujeres
Problemas de comunicación
Creando una conexión más profunda
problemas de intimidad
Navegando por la separación o el divorcio
Manejo de problemas de salud mental dentro de la relación.
Crear una paternidad compartida saludable después del divorcio o la separación
Conflicto familiar, incluso entre hermanos adultos, padre/hijo adulto, familia ampliada, etc.
Familias mixtas
Apoyar a un miembro de la familia mientras se cura de una agresión/abuso sexual
Manejo de problemas de salud mental dentro de la familia.
Abordar los secretos familiares
Terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC)
Terapia de juego
Apoyo para padres
Arte y Musicoterapia
Terapia centrada en el trauma
Entrenamiento de habilidades sociales
Para obtener más información o programar una cita, contáctenos:
6423 Polaris Dr. Suite B6, Laredo, TX 78041
Teléfono: 956-602-0117
Fax: 956-267-8489 Correo Electrónico: office@lifehousepc.com

Find your happiness and learn to put yourself first.
Make time for yourself. You cannot help others if you are not taking care of yourself.
Reviews and experiences