Lifehouse Professional Counseling offers different
opportunities for group therapy sessions!
How is Group Therapy Beneficial?
Group therapy sessions can facilitate individuals to become exposed to additional positive support from others who may share similar experiences and feelings as them. This allows the individuals engaging in group therapy to connect, relate, and feel included with one another in regards to a particular shared struggle or experience that would otherwise be less available to experience in individual therapy. Group therapy allows individuals to create a safety net and a positive support system within other individuals and the therapist.
If you are interested in any of the following Group Therapy options, both available and in progress options, please feel free to call our office and let us know of your interest! We are happy to help you become acquainted within the group and feel supported.
Mommy Meetup Support Group
Clinician: LPC-S Roxanna Alvarez
Taking care of yourself is an important task as is taking care of your children and family. This group therapy opportunity focuses on the challenges that may come through motherhood and how we can continue to be strong and loving mothers for our children.
Ended April 2023
Support Group for Teens: “Battling Anxiety Together”
Joining a group of strangers may sound intimidating at first, but group therapy provides benefits that individual therapy may not. Studies say, in fact, that group members are almost always surprised by how rewarding the group experience can be. Groups can act as a support network and a sounding board. Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge. If you are interested call us!
Cost:$65.00 per session
Group Therapy for Adults: “ Combating Negative Thoughts and Anxiety
We all know the nervous feeling we get before an important business meeting, job interview or exam – we feel restless and uncomfortable, not knowing how it will go. This anxiety is normal and understandable.
However, when you start to feel anxious in an unnecessary, uncontrollable manner, in situations that should not bring out such emotions in you, that’s when anxiety becomes a problem By being around those with a similar challenges, people are able to get the support they need and find comfort in the fact that they are not alone. Together as a group, they are able to help each other out and find new ways to face their life challenges.
$65.00 per sesssion.
My Social Academia
Clinician : Liliana Cantu, LPC-Associate
Improving and working on social anxiety skills for teens and young adults. Stay tuned for further updates!
Ended May 2023
Upcoming Group Therapy
If you would like more information regarding any of our upcoming group therapy session, please call out office at (956) 602-0117.