Depression awareness month

This month we want to bring awareness to depression. Depression is a common mood disorder causing severe symptoms that affect how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities. When coping with depression, it is best to reach out to someone for help. Getting support plays an essential role in overcoming depression. Doing things that make you enjoy and make you happy can help manage your emotions. Thinking positive and seeing the good things in your everyday life can open you to joyfulness. It is okay to feel sad and stressed but it is also okay to feel excitement and happiness.

Ways to cope with depression:

  • Do one self-care activity

  • Talk to your support network

  • Get active

  • Explore new snack options

  • Journal your thoughts

  • Tap into your senses

  • Have a laugh

  • Practice mindfulness or meditation


Practicing Gratitude Can Reduce Stress

