The Importance of being Self-Aware

Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and your thoughts, actions, and emotions. It is meeting the internal standards you have in order to become who you aspire to be.

Having self-awareness gives us the power to positively impact our outcomes, help us make better decisions, and have high levels of self-confidence. Cultivating self-awareness in your everyday life is a skill you should be applying. Mental health experts recommend that you should be curious about who you are and let your walls down. Figuring out what your best interests are and not being scared to take that leap is a great way to express who you truly are as an individual. Reflecting on your self in an actual mirror or in a journal and analyzing your thoughts and emotions can open you up to new perspectives. Constantly checking in on yourself and reminding yourself that you are strong, important, and beautiful. These are all ways in which you should become aware of who you truly are and how your surroundings make you feel.


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