Keeping HOPE through Equanimity

What is Equanimity?

Equanimity is described as “mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation” in the Oxford Language Dictionary. This state of being in mental calmness and composure can provide you with feelings of emotional balance and regulation which can ultimately help you in tough or difficult situations and overall in your journey of healing and self-love.

By creating a daily habit to check in with yourself and keep your emotions in balance, it could be easier to handle a stressful or difficult situation. Furthermore, practicing these habits of self-regulation and equanimity as whole can help you continue to hope and keep a bright open eye to a more positive and healthy journey.

A journey to healing can understandably sometimes be scary, difficult, and arduous. It can take a lot of effort physically, mentally and emotionally and the process may not always be easy. However, by maintaining HOPE through practicing emotional-regulation (especially practicing this in therapy!) can provide you with more security and assurance for your goals in your path of healing.'

Shine your hope even in the darkness! The power lies within you!


The Power of Self-Empowerment


The meaning of having “Winter Blues” and how to cope with it. (Seasonal Depression)