Healing Trauma

Bringing in the new month means bringing in new challenges. Some challenges may be new and some may be challenges we have been facing for a long period of time. Experiencing long-term challenges like trauma can become overwhelming. Trauma may result from various distressing experiences. Shock, fear, anger, sadness, difficulty concentrating, and a sense of helplessness are common symptoms of trauma response. Finding resilience within your trauma is a powerful process that involves tapping into your inner strength, By building resilience and developing self-efficiency, you are empowered to thrive despite the difficult circumstances you have witnessed.

Types of Trauma

  • Acute Trauma: The immediate, intense distress aftermath of a one-time even of a short period.

  • Chronic Trauma: The harmful effects of events that are repeated or prolonged.

  • Complex Trauma: Prolonged or repeated exposure to traumatic events, often beginning in childhood or early adolescence

  • Secondary, or Vicarious Trauma: Exposure to another person’s suffering.

Unhealed Trauma can Manifest as:

  • Focusing on fixing other people

  • Crying when expressing true emotions

  • People-pleasing to receive love

  • Withholding truth to avoid conflict

  • Tolerating abusive behavior not taking action due to fear of punishment

  • Feeling the need to prove yourself

  • De-prioritizing your own needs

  • Looking for external validation

  • Not setting personal boundaries

Trauma Toolkit

Building a Trauma toolkit is an ongoing process. It will look different for everyone and may change along the way. The goal is to create a collection of resources and strategies that empower you to navigate the effects of trauma and cultivate resilience in your life.

  1. Self-Assessment: Assessing your needs and triggers.

  2. Education: Understand how trauma impacts you.

  3. Professional Guidance: Consider seeking support from therapist or counselor.

  4. Identify Coping Strategies: Explore a variety of coping strategies and techniques.

  5. Grounding Techniques: Grounding techniques can help you stay present and calm.

  6. Safety Planning: Develop a safety plan that guide you out of the triggering situation.

  7. Consistent Self-Care: Make self-care a priority in your daily routine.

You Are Resilient!

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep, loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” — Elizabeth Kubler-Ross


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