Self-Care Resolutions

As we walk into this new year, we encourage you to set resolutions to prioritize yourself! Self care is about taking care of yourself mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. As the new year beings, setting resolutions to practice self care can promote healthy habits all year round. Physical self care includes how you are fueling your body. Making sure you are getting enough sleep and keeping your body moving and active. When caring for your body, you will think and feel better too. The way you think and the things that you're filling your mind with greatly influence your psychological well-being. Mental self care can be by challenging your brain with puzzles or learning a new subject. Also, practicing gratitude and acceptance can help maintain a positive mindset. Social self-care involves our connections with other people. Dedicating quality time to being social in your daily life is a big contributor to your overall well-being. We all thrive on human connection. Yes, even for those of you who are introverts. Whether it’s chatting with your bestie on the phone every day or joining a weekly walking group, social self-care is a huge part of making sure we live a happy, balanced life. Nurturing your spirit can help you develop a deeper sense of meaning, understanding, or connecting with yourself and others. Some ways to practice spiritual self care is to practice meditation, attending, attending a religious service, or praying.


Power of Self-Love


Holiday Blues