What is Burnout?

"Burnout" is a type of work-related stress that commonly causes emotional and/or physical exhaustion, feelings of reduced accomplishments, reduced efficacy in work-related tasks, and rapid deplition of energy or no energy at all.

Burnout happens when one is exposed to prolonged mental, emotional, and/or physical stress. These stressors are usually associated to ones job, however it can also be due to daily life events that can cause feeling overwhelmed physically, emotionally, and/or mentally.

Symptoms that may be indicative of experiencing burnout include, but are not limited to are:

- Exhaustion - Dreading work - Trouble sleeping - Depression - Feeling of "drowning" with responsibilities/tasks - Short temper -Loss of motivation
Coping with burnout can be challenging, however there are healthy ways to go about it that will ultimately be very beneficial to your future stress and mental health. Considering doings thing such as recognizing the warning signs when going into burnout and preparing for them in advance, setting up your own boundaries with your workload or other overwhelming activities, and reaching out to loved ones or help are great ways to cope with burnout.


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